Road work and projects
The Van Buren County Road Commission's budget provides for the routine repairs and maintenance of certified roads within its jurisdiction. The Board of County Road Commissioners works to fund additional special and heavy maintenance projects as funds allow. The Townships within Van Buren County partner to assist in funding additional projects beyond what the Road Commission's budget can provide.
What is routine maintenance?
Routine maintenance, within limitations, includes a variety of work such as:
Snow plowing and ice control
Gravel road grading/blading
Asphalt patching
Shoulder maintenance
Traffic signs and signals, including pavement marking
Roadside mowing and brush control
Road culvert maintenance
What is Special maintenance?
Special maintenance, intended to preserve the road, includes a variety of work such as:
Gravel resurfacing
Sealcoat, Fog Seal, and Crackseal
Dust Control
Boom and Extra-width Mowing
Brush and Tree Trimming, Including Brush Spray
What is Heavy maintenance?
Heavy maintenance, intended to improve the road, includes a variety of work such as:
Hot mix asphalt overlay
Mill and overlay
Total reconstruction
Paving a gravel road
Bridge repair and reconstruction